Teaching content-based ESL in a second grade science class (2017).
New York State certified teacher, school administrator, professional developer, curriculum developer, consultant, writer.
New York State certified teacher, school administrator, professional developer, curriculum developer, consultant, writer.
I am an NYSED certified teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL K-12). I am licensed by the New York City Department of Education as an adult education teacher. I currently teach ESL at the Brooklyn Adult Learning Center (Adult Education School 8). I have taught ESL at the Manhattan School of Music, Westchester Community C
I am an NYSED certified teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL K-12). I am licensed by the New York City Department of Education as an adult education teacher. I currently teach ESL at the Brooklyn Adult Learning Center (Adult Education School 8). I have taught ESL at the Manhattan School of Music, Westchester Community College, Nassau Community College, College of Staten Island, and Brooklyn College. I received a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Hunter College.
I am a New York State certified School Building Leader (SBL Initial) and School District Leader (SDL Professional). I received a Master of Science in Education (MSED) from Hunter College, majoring in leadership.
I have designed and facilitated professional development for teachers at Adult Education School 7, YABC Prospect Heights, and the BCS After School Program at PS 156 in Brooklyn. I co-facilitated a PLC on accelerated learning for District 79 administrators and teachers. I was trained at the CUNY/SUNY Teacher Leader Institute in Albany to train New York State certified adult education teachers.
I have developed the curriculum for ESL and Basic Education classes using District 79 curricular resources in the form of monthly pacing calendars at Adult Education School 7. I have also developed the Brooklyn Community Services After School Program curriculum for PS 156 in Brooklyn.
I have researched and written thought leadership pieces for UNICEF (New York and Nairobi), the Urban Land Institute (Washington DC), Oxford Research (Copenhagen), Aberdeen Asset Management (London), State Street Global Advisors (Boston), and Standard & Poor's (New York).
I have reported and written articles for Agence France-Presse (AFP), Barron’s, Bloomberg, BusinessWeek, the Christian Science Monitor, the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Global Finance, Kiplinger’s, lnstitutional Investor, the Financial Times, the Miami Herald, the New York Post, Nikkei, Time, the Wall Street Journal, and the UNICEF website.